Saturday, January 26, 2013

01/26/2013 - OBARC Winter Field Day

OBARC Winter Field Day Saturday 1/26/2013.

The follow pictures were provided by K5OLV.

04/10/2013 Just an update with the results of WFD. 

The Multi-Operator, Outdoor category was won by W5OBM with 68 QSO's and a score of 4224, followed by W3HZW with 3678 points and VE3JJF with 3645 points. It's interesting to note that both W3HZW and VE3JJF worked far more QSO's than W5OBM, but had a much smaller multiplier. A total of 8 stations turned in logs in the Multi-Opertor, Outdoor category, all with scores over 3000 due to bonus points.

In the Single Operator, Home category W5TJS topped the group with 2000 points due to the bonus, even though there were no valid QSO's submitted! KD5CKP came in second with 46 QSO's and 1598 points. KU8T actually had the highest number of QSO's in the group with 68, but only scored 136 points due to no bonus. A total of 13 stations submitted logs in this category.

Way to to Tim!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

01/12/2013 - Memphis D-Star Meeting

On Saturday Morning January 12th Memphis D-Star gathered once again for monthly coffee and donuts holes.

The Memphis D-Star group is officially the Memphis Digital Amateur Radio Club.

The club voted and accepted the clubs constitution.

Elected officers:

  • President - KA2BSM - Rick
  • Vice President - NS4B - Cliff
  • Secretary - KK4IOH - Michael
  • Treasurer - KF5DDP - Chris

We discussed the new experimental repeater that will be going up soon that we will use for D-Rats and Testing
The new MotoTRBO repeater is now in the process of being coordinated.

Our next meeting is February the 16th at 10 am. (This is a change from the usual schedule for the month of Feb.)

The location is:

Balmoral Presbyterian Church
6413 Quince Road
Memphis, TN 38119

VE Testing with registration at 8:30 am, Testing is at 9:00.

Don't forget the Net on Friday Night at 8:30 CST on W4LET node B.